Tuesday, May 08, 2012


After my day out at the Health Expo (see pervious post) I went over to my good friends Dakota Bubble and Emperor EJ’s place to watch UFC, Emperor EJ’s friend R came this time. I was super excited to see Jim Miller. 

Jim Miller is a special fighter to me, he’s a red head, which I think are hot, and the first time I went to Boston Pizza for a UFC fight with Emperor EJ and Dakota Bubble he was in the first fight. Saturday night he was fighting Nate Diaz for the chance to fight against the belt older of their weight class. If you couldn’t tell already I only have half knowledge of the UFC, I don’t get into all the back story I just like to watch the fights and so far all I’ve figured out about weight classes is that the heavy weights are like slow moving tanks and the bantam weight class most of the guys there need a burger. 

The fight was actually on Fox, but Dakota and Emperor don’t have cable so we live streamed it. What I liked about live streaming it now is that during the commercials on TV on UFC.com they now have trivia and tweets from the fighters before the fight. The tweets though should only be on there during the first commercial since the same tweets are shown over and over and over again, the trivia is fun though. 

This is also the third fight we’ve watched from the Fox network and I have some helpful hints. First the Statue of Liberty is in New York not New Jersey, which is where the fight was taking place, and I’m a Canadian looking at that and going WTF? I can’t even imagine what people in the states were saying. If the stadium that the fight is in isn’t as big as some of the stadiums that the championship fights are happening don’t do a fly over shot from so far out, zoom in a little so the stadium doesn’t look so tiny. And my number one issue with Fox Sports which is about to drive me bonkers, could someone at the network go out to any office or computer supply store and get the announcers sitting behind a desk some mic stands! Seeing these guys sitting around a desk and holding their own mics just drive me nuts! Either that lose the table and make them stand it would look less pathetic.

Unfortunately Miller didn’t win, it was a good fight though & Nate Diaz was the first person ever to submit Miller and how he did it was both impressive and gross, Miller accidently bit his tongue while he was being submitted.
Fun night with friends all around.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Health Expo

On Saturday myself, my mother and my mother’s twin all went to the Health Expo down that the Direct Energy Centre. The Health Expo was open to the public for free and it was also where anyone who was participating in the Goodlife Toronto Marathon was registering and getting their digital chips activated, and whatever else you have to do before a marathon. 

As usual these past few weeks there’s a story just on getting down there. We would normally go to Union Station and take the 509 or 510 streetcar down to exhibition place. When we arrived at Union station the area for the streetcars was blocked off, I’m assuming for construction, so we had to go out of the station and up to the street level to get a shuttle bus. Normally just a quick adjustment for a regular TTC rider, you know bus for streetcar in your head, but when we got to around Bathurst we had to get off the bus and get onto another street car. I have no idea why they couldn’t just stick with one or the other on the route.

When we arrived at the Expo we got a nice little bag packed full of energy bars, ads, a magazine, some stickers and a nice little coupon for two free admissions to the ProHealExpo in Aug, can’t wait for that. We now have a nice bowl packed full of energy bars on our dining room table.

Once through the door we entered a contest with Goodlife, that booth I have an issue with, there was only one entrance and exit for the Expo and right after you went through the doors you had to walk right through this Goodlife booth, plus with everyone coming in and entering this contest and getting a little freebie, I got some lip balm, it was just way too crowded at the front.

After we finished up with the Goodlife booth we went systematically through the booths, one row at a time, I find it the best way to cover every booth and make sure you don’t miss anything. The Health Expo was about one third of the Green Living Show so that did help on time, we were all at the Green Living Show for about six hours, we were only at the Health Expo for about two maybe three hours. We tried a lot of protein drinks, shakes, and bars, we also had some boxed coconut water, I’m not a big fan of coconut to begin with, except in a pinna calada, and I hate it. My mom and her twin got a complimentary hand massage from a booth selling organic had lotions; they both enjoyed it, unfortunately for me my eczema was kind of acting up so I didn’t get it done. Molson Canadian had a booth, they gave away coupons for a free six pack of their 67 beer, you know the diet beer, I’m guessing they aren’t doing as well as they thought with that brand. There was a booth for Weight Watchers, they gave out samples of chips they have. My mom was first successful with her weight loss through Weight Watchers.

There were a few things that I noticed at the Health Expo, there were a lot of protein dinks, shakes and bars, there were a few booths telling you that the water you’re drinking is terrible, even if it’s filtered you need their hydration water, I’m not even going to try to explain that one. There was a lot of overpriced clothes and equipment, yeah there’s equipment besides shoes for runners. There was even a booth dedicated to protecting your bare feet, they were selling socks.  And there were about four or five booths for chiropractors there. I have nothing against chiropractors, one helped me deal with some of my back issues when even my doctor couldn’t help, but doe one little expo need five booths for them? If they all got together and had one booth under like the chiropractic board of Canada or whatever kind of association they have would have made way more sense.

It was a great Expo though, lots of free stuff, lots of coupons for me to use. I wonder which expo or show we’re going to next?

Sunday, May 06, 2012

3rd Week of Running

I’m finding it a little harder just to get the 3 runs in a week I need. This weekend has been so busy I couldn’t make up the 3rd run. I will say that I found the 1st of the my 90 sec runs easier and I am running further, but the more I run on the more I feel like I’m going to die! I had my 1st experience with shin splints, god those are awful. I had gotten new shoes on the weekend and tried them out on my Monday run, that’s when I got shin splints, on Tuesday I was just trying to walk in them, mind you this is with my mom so I might as well have been running, and I got a cramp in my foot. I didn’t really know those were possible, but if it’s possible to hurt your body in a strange way I will find it, and I did. On Wed I got another run in and that one I did much better in & then the rest of the week and weekend were booked solid. Hopefully this week I’ll get all three runs in.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Avengers Midnight Showing.....in 3D!

First of all I'll just start out by saying that the Avengers movie was AWEEEEESSSSSOME!!!!!!!! Ok on to the night.

A few hours before I even headed out to the movie last night there was a huge rain storm, strangely when I actually left my apartment it wasn't raining, but the lightening hadn't stopped though. While I was standing in the bus shelter waiting for the bus it started to rain again, pour actually. Funny though there were a few guys who were walking towards the shelter when the rain started, now two of them stood outside the shelter, but pressed up against the shelter because they were smoking, which I was very thankful for, but it just looked so funny! So the bus arrived & I was on my way, as I rode the bus I watched the lightening I thought it was quite fitting for the movie I was off to see, for one of the characters anyways. When I got down to York Mills station I heard an announcement for a delay on the subway at Osgood station, which is right where I was going. Luckily by the time I got to the platform though it was cleared up. I got to ride on the new train, which I still get excited to do since I don't take the subway daily at the moment. After I had gone about 3 stops there was another announcement about a train delay at College station, apparently they were having door issues on a train there, but luckily it was cleared up just as quickly as the other issue. After that the train ride was very peaceful. When I arrived at Osgood station and met up with my cousin we went outside & the rain storm had gone down to spitting at that point, which was nice. 
We were seeing the 12:20pm show & we arrived at Scotia Bank theatre about 11:15pm, they had already let the line up in the theatre. Along with our theatre I saw the UltraAVX, the IMAX, and at least 3 other theatres showing Avengers. It was a great vibe in the theatre, I love opening night showings. I played TimePlay for the first time, that's so much fun & a great marketing tool I love that Cineplex came up with it, it's awesome. Sidetrack there, so the actual movie I am not going to spoil cause there is just too much awesomeness & there are so many little jokes & plot twists that you just have to sit and watch the ride, trust me. If you know any of Joss Wheadon's stuff, Buffy, Angel, Firefly then you know he can throw humour in places you didn't think you would have it. Also Joss Whedon is great with ensemble casts & as I've been watching the commercials and previews there was a feeling that Robert Downing Jr was going to totally steal the movie, which honestly nobody I know would have had a problem with since we all love Iron Man, but he didn't. There were great scenes with Iron Man, there were great scenes with Captain America, and there were great scenes pretty much all around. There is just so much in the movie that is funny, heartfelt and exciting. And in this movie I have finally made peace with Samuel Jackson as Fury. It's a personal thing since I love Fury in the comics and I thought he was doing well there was just something I wasn't quite satisfied with, but after this he is Nick Fury, totally. I love Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye & I'm glad they went with Hawkeye, I've been watching the Avengers cartoon & Hawkeye it that is also hilarious.
One of the things I love about midnight showing is that the fans are the ones out in droves, and that they cheer and laugh hysterically during the movie. Now my cousin can attest to this, but I started some of the clapping in our theatre last night. There were a couple of scenes that I started clapping for then the whole theatre erupted, it was just so easy I did it twice at the beginning & I got the crowd going a few more times during the movie, & sometimes when there was clapping going on I would shout out as well & that would just get everyone yelling out as well. It was such a fun night.
Also stay right to the end of the credits, a lot of people got up and left but there is something awesome at the end.