Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No More Internet at Work

I guess that's a self-explaninary titlle.

It totally sucks because it's slow where I work, I can't even read the newspaper on-line. So my blog posts are going to be suffering. Also I started playing Sims again. ARG!!!!

Oh well the weekend is going to be interesting.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Did a Very Narcissistic Thing

I added a new list over on the left side of my blog, it shows the other blogs I am writing at this moment.

Yup Narcissism at it finest right? But is it narcissism if I'm aware of it? Or is it more narcissistic if I'm pointing it out?

Anyways, check out my other blogs!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Tim Burton @ TIFF

 I went to the Tim Burton Exhibit this Sat at the TIFF building downtown. It was AWESOME! His art work is amazing, the props from the movies are so cool! I wish I could have taken pictures inside the exhibit, but I couldn't, which sucked. This is the creature at the door to the exhibit. Inside the exhibit there are lots of sketch's, some of them literally ripped out of sketch books. There was the suit from Edward Scissor Hands, which made a few of my friends notice that Johnny Depp is really skinny & really short. There was the Sand Worm from Beateljuice. There was also an amazing art piece that was like a marie-go-round/mobile that was black lit it was so cool & very mesmerizing. I didn't get a chance to check out the short films that were there, it was SUPER crowded.
If you like Tim Burton & this exhibit(which was put on by a New York Museum, can't remember which one right now) totally check it out.

Friday, April 01, 2011

WTF, really

I can't even begin to wrap my brain around this, Canned Air. Please check this out & maybe someone could explain to me if this is brilliant or, well, otherwise.