I am currently single. I do want to be in a relationship, but I'm picky & not taking just anybody. I'm not going to spend this post whining about that cause that didn't bother me this year. Valentine's day sometimes bothers me, I mean when you're only getting a valentine present from your Mom it makes you feel pretty pathetic. This year I've been having fun on FB sharing geeky inspired valentine cards, like this Deadpool one, I love Deadpool. Today I had school, I'm in college right now, but we were done early & I dont' really have much to do for tomorrow, so I decided to go see a movie, cause I love seeing movies in the theatres.
Today I took myself out on a date to see Hansel & Gretel 3D. This is the second time I've seen it, which means I get to find new stuff in it! It's silly & kinda dumb, but I love it. Why do I love it? Jeremy Renner's topless, & a bit of a dork in this one. I love Jeremy Renner & I promise to dedicate an entire post to that obsession. Hansel & Gretel is a lot of fun, there's an old timey fan-boy, who even has a sketch he did of Gretel on the wall. & Femke Janssen is a great dark witch. It makes me wish that X-Men could have gotten the whole Phoenix saga right, she would have made an excellent Dark Phoenix!
Anyways, the move was fun, I got to see Jeremy Renner topless, I got to see lots of blood & gore, & I got my imagination to open up a lot. That's one of the things for me why I love this movie right now, not just the idea of the old fairy tales or fables getting a new spin, that's fun, but also seeing the witches differently, much more brutal & disgusting! I know that the inspiration for some of the witchcraft stuff came from an old European book on how to identify a witch from like the Inquisition. I hope they make another one, cause there's a lot they could do. Also can't wait for the DVD cause I'm sure there's a lot that didn't make it into the final edit. Also bloopers, I love bloopers!
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