Friday, April 13, 2012

The Green Living Show

Today I went with my mom & aunt to the Green Living Show here in Toronto. It was at the Direct Energy Centre & it was apperenlty where every school in the city had sent their kids today. When we were walking by the parking lot we spotted the busses, I didn't think they would be there, but I should know better. Other than the massive amount of young ones I smacked in the head with my bag today it was a good day. One of my favorite parts was the 'Fresh Food Market'. There were about 10 vendors with mini samples of local and organic foods that they were selling, salads, soups, & some desserts. For $10.00 you got 5 vouchers to use. My aunt got some organic coffee, myself & my mom split our food between us, we had a peanut bean sprot salad, a 'Ontario' salad, which all the differnt things in the salad were from Ontario, also we had an apple crisp with local apples & sweet potato donuts, which were my favorite. Along with the food we paid for we got a lot of samples, greek yogurt, pasta sauce, pesto, organic milk, homemade pop, bread, and more stuff than I can remember. Along with all the food there were a lot of beauty prodcuts avalible and a lot of ways to improve your house to keep your power bills down. It was a little strange to see things like Porche & Lexus right next to the people selling organic fair trade coffee. With the size of this show you can see how popular that the green movement is. The fact that there are little home grown companies right next to the big ones & both are looking for your money and the little compines are usually winning out in this kinds of places shows that there are a lot of things that the larger companies have to fix & with how scarce everyones' money is these days consumers are getting pickier & doing way more research into where they're going to spend the money. All and all a good day, so tired now.

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