Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Review

I'm a geek, in case that wasn't obvious in my previous posts, and in the geek world there is currently a fandom called Brony's and Pegasisters. These are adult fans of the children's TV show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. I know a couple of Brony's and I had seen one episode and I really didn't get it at all. I understand the animation is beautiful, it's very well done and the plot of the episode that I first saw seemed decent, I didn't really know what was going on, which I found out later that it was like the end of the second season and it was the second part of a two part episodes. So I watch my two year old niece a lot and she loves to watch video's with Auntie(that's me) and right now she completely obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine so we'll watch the original show on YouTube and then she'll want to see Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, or as she calls it Mickey House. One day she's sitting on my lap and we're watching Thomas the Tank Engine and she suddenly she says 'My Little Pony.' So I find an episode and we start watching, however after the theme song she says 'No My Little Pony' which means she's done with that. But after a watching the beginning part I decide I'll give it a shot so I find the first season and start watching and I'm hooked. ARG!!!!!!!!! It's such a fun show, the letters to Princess Celeste at the end take me out of it cause it's like oh yeah this is made for five years old and while pretty much every kid show has a moral in the story this one spells it out for you what the lesson is.

The shows plots are good, the characters are very well developed for a children's show. I grew up watching the original show and I still have some of my My Little Pony's, the distinctive feature of the Pony's was there mark on their 'butt' and each mark represented what that Pony did. I have no memory at all of that ever being explained in the original series, it was just there. In this show they call it a 'cutie-mark' and it comes about when a pony figures out what they were meant to do and then it appears. This back story has opened up a few plot points which have made the show even more interesting. One of the things that his has opened up is a group of little fillies who are trying to gain their cutie-marks. These younger pony's are very entertaining and watching them try to achieve their cutie-mark is just a lot of fun as they pretty much try everything, music, design, bowling, and so much more. There is also the division of the Pony's, there are the Unicorns, who use magic, some just have little amounts of magic, like just telekinesis, while others can change objects and age Pony's. There are the Pegasus, the flying Pony's and they have dominion over the sky, even creating the weather in this world. And last is the Earth Pony's, these are the Pony's without any special powers, they work the land and just to regular things.

I'm going to do profiles of the main characters as well some of the side characters that stand out to me and that I just love!

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