Friday, May 04, 2012

Avengers Midnight 3D!

First of all I'll just start out by saying that the Avengers movie was AWEEEEESSSSSOME!!!!!!!! Ok on to the night.

A few hours before I even headed out to the movie last night there was a huge rain storm, strangely when I actually left my apartment it wasn't raining, but the lightening hadn't stopped though. While I was standing in the bus shelter waiting for the bus it started to rain again, pour actually. Funny though there were a few guys who were walking towards the shelter when the rain started, now two of them stood outside the shelter, but pressed up against the shelter because they were smoking, which I was very thankful for, but it just looked so funny! So the bus arrived & I was on my way, as I rode the bus I watched the lightening I thought it was quite fitting for the movie I was off to see, for one of the characters anyways. When I got down to York Mills station I heard an announcement for a delay on the subway at Osgood station, which is right where I was going. Luckily by the time I got to the platform though it was cleared up. I got to ride on the new train, which I still get excited to do since I don't take the subway daily at the moment. After I had gone about 3 stops there was another announcement about a train delay at College station, apparently they were having door issues on a train there, but luckily it was cleared up just as quickly as the other issue. After that the train ride was very peaceful. When I arrived at Osgood station and met up with my cousin we went outside & the rain storm had gone down to spitting at that point, which was nice. 
We were seeing the 12:20pm show & we arrived at Scotia Bank theatre about 11:15pm, they had already let the line up in the theatre. Along with our theatre I saw the UltraAVX, the IMAX, and at least 3 other theatres showing Avengers. It was a great vibe in the theatre, I love opening night showings. I played TimePlay for the first time, that's so much fun & a great marketing tool I love that Cineplex came up with it, it's awesome. Sidetrack there, so the actual movie I am not going to spoil cause there is just too much awesomeness & there are so many little jokes & plot twists that you just have to sit and watch the ride, trust me. If you know any of Joss Wheadon's stuff, Buffy, Angel, Firefly then you know he can throw humour in places you didn't think you would have it. Also Joss Whedon is great with ensemble casts & as I've been watching the commercials and previews there was a feeling that Robert Downing Jr was going to totally steal the movie, which honestly nobody I know would have had a problem with since we all love Iron Man, but he didn't. There were great scenes with Iron Man, there were great scenes with Captain America, and there were great scenes pretty much all around. There is just so much in the movie that is funny, heartfelt and exciting. And in this movie I have finally made peace with Samuel Jackson as Fury. It's a personal thing since I love Fury in the comics and I thought he was doing well there was just something I wasn't quite satisfied with, but after this he is Nick Fury, totally. I love Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye & I'm glad they went with Hawkeye, I've been watching the Avengers cartoon & Hawkeye it that is also hilarious.
One of the things I love about midnight showing is that the fans are the ones out in droves, and that they cheer and laugh hysterically during the movie. Now my cousin can attest to this, but I started some of the clapping in our theatre last night. There were a couple of scenes that I started clapping for then the whole theatre erupted, it was just so easy I did it twice at the beginning & I got the crowd going a few more times during the movie, & sometimes when there was clapping going on I would shout out as well & that would just get everyone yelling out as well. It was such a fun night.
Also stay right to the end of the credits, a lot of people got up and left but there is something awesome at the end.

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