This is my 1st blog post here in blog spot. I'm at work right now, it's family day I know, but apparently only certain people's families matter. I wish they would change the name to we needed a day off in February in Ontario, or my favorite holiday, the bullshit holiday.
Anyways that's just what's going on right at this exact moment. I should say what I'm planning on doing with this blog, nothing!!! Well to be more specific, I don't really have plans per say. I'll be writing stuff that's happened in my life, adding photo's, vid's any links that I find interesting, you know the usual stuff. It's mostly going to be things I find interesting. Whenever I get followers who are interested in things I am I might focus a bit, but I doubt it, my brain doesn't exactly focus on one subject.
I like lots of stuff, here's a list!:
Comics(mostly marvel & mostly X-men)
Reading(mostly Fantasy)
TV(that's a list in itself)
Drawing(I'll post a few of mine, I'm not saying it's going to be pretty though)
etc, etc, etc.
There's more I'm just bored with the list.
Also this blog will be a place that I will be talking about my very talented friends & relatives. I know lots of talented people who do nothing with their talent!!!! Or genius in a few cases, and I plan on talking about them & showcasing their work, weather they like it or not!!!!!!!! (Ok, Ok, I will be getting permission 1st)
So that's a preview, I promise more interesting blogs, I'm at work so the brain doesnt' work so well here, I think they put something into the A/C to make you compliant.
If you've got Family Day off I hope you're spending it with your family, in whatever form your family comes in. If you're at work, enjoy the time & a half pay!!!!
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