Monday, February 28, 2011

I HATE Outbound!!!!!!

Yes that's right I'm back doing outbound!!! I HATE it!!!! It's so fusrating, people hang up on you all the time! But it's not just the haning up that's pissing me off, its the whole fact that I have to do it for a few hrs in the afternoon, it's pointless!
Little background, I work mornings at my job, there's only a handful of us that do, & the survey's don't start till the afternoon, also I don't take my lunch till most of the afternoon people are in, so I end up doing like 3hrs of survey's, when I could be in the inbound 'Q' doing a much better job at customer service, which is what I do, but no I get stuck in the stupid surveys!! I completed 1 survey today, & the company wants 300, ARG!!!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Another Fav Site!!

I love goin on Etsy, it's all handmand & vintage items, everything's so unique. My fav thing to do is to go to the bottom of the home page & click on the Recently Listed link, it scrolls through all the things that have just been posted, I like to look at all those items, there's always something that's there that I wouldn't have searched for myselt. I hightly recommend Etsy.

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Fav Website!

I know it's super cheesy but I love TMZ!!!
I'm not big into celebrity stuff, but I love the show & the people who work there, they are sooo much fun!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Work Work Work...............BREAK!!!!!!!

I love it when you're at work & your break sneaks up on you & you almost forget that you have to take it. It means the day is going by FAST! Which I love. Just another 45mins before I have to head out to my chiropractor, which I usually leave feeling awesome! Plus my 4 day weekend starts right at 4pm!!!!! I just wish I had somewhere exciting to go, but I'm poorish right now. So it's a couple of days of doing some personal bussiness, bank stuff so I'm less poorish, & then time to clean up the storage locker! That's going to be fun, old memories, toys & crap! It'll be nice to get rid of the crap, & with my bro's baby on the way this kid will be uber stalked in retro toys! As they're coming out I'll probably snap a few things, like the GI Joe base that's in my living room right now, which is cool of course, just dusty.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

About to go to bed

Yup, that's the point of this post! It's super boring, but that's what's happening. So the film shoot has ended but these crazy people are still in my place!!!!! & I have to go to work tomorrow, as usual, but these people won't shut up! Not that I've told them that yet, they are very entertaining though.
Anyways what's new other than bedtime? Not too much, yup I'm boring! Ok if this sounds down or sad in my head it's not, it's super sarcastic. I'm hoping to get more exciting as I write. So far I'm just listening to a friend tell stories about her 3 year old, of course super cute. Can't remember enough to retell it though, sorry. It's all about kids today, my bro's going to be a dad in about 4 or 5 months, which is so weird!!!! He's my little bro too, well I call him my little bro, he's 4 years younger than me, that's what makes him my little bro. So he & his baby mama(which I can use) got pics from their ultrasound today. They didn't go with the 3D image(personaly I think those are creepy) they went with the old school ultrasound, you can see the kids face, it looks like one of those grey alians from Roswell! In one of the photo's the kid has his/her mouth open and he looks like the scream painting! 1 moment while I google the artist cause I'm totally blanking! Edvard Munch.
& now people are heading out I've gotta be social & say bye to them.

Video Shoot at my place, so strange

I'd say where to start but I'll start with the fact that my bro is holding the couch up to fix one of it's legs. Vintage Railway is at my place filming some promo thing, at least that's what I think it is. They're doing a little interview thing, it's fun though. Lots of laughs happening, too bad there's no bloopers cause that would be awesome!
Anyways they're awesome! So check them out! I can't write anymore because they're going to film & typing is loud aparently.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Family Day 2 or the Easiest day at work EVER!

There is only 26mins until my shift is over, I work in a call centre & I haven't taken a call all day, & neither has anyone else. Yup best day EVER!
The problem is I am soooooooooo bored!!!!!! I've played Angry Birds & Creeps on my iPod, but mindless games can get painfully annoying if you have nothing to interrupt them. I've blogged, I've even looked up one of my new fav characters from X-men, Fantomex, & I'm still bored!!!!!!
I should have brought my knitting or something! But who knew? Oh wait I had a feeling it would go like this. See I'm in a call centre that mostly does internal customer service & the places that I get called by, whorehouse's, sales agents & the like, I'm pretty sure they're not working today. Oh well at least I can say I have 2 blog entries! Compared to another blog I started this is amazing!
But now my brain is turning to mush! I had so much I wanted to talk about, but right now I have NOTHING!!!! So I'll leave it at that & come back when my brain has decided it wants to tell the world or my fingers something.

Family Day

This is my 1st blog post here in blog spot. I'm at work right now, it's family day I know, but apparently only certain people's families matter. I wish they would change the name to we needed a day off in February in Ontario, or my favorite holiday, the bullshit holiday.
Anyways that's just what's going on right at this exact moment. I should say what I'm planning on doing with this blog, nothing!!! Well to be more specific, I don't really have plans per say. I'll be writing stuff that's happened in my life, adding photo's, vid's any links that I find interesting, you know the usual stuff. It's mostly going to be things I find interesting. Whenever I get followers who are interested in things I am I might focus a bit, but I doubt it, my brain doesn't exactly focus on one subject.
I like lots of stuff, here's a list!:
                Comics(mostly marvel & mostly X-men)
                Reading(mostly Fantasy)
                TV(that's a list in itself)
                Drawing(I'll post a few of mine, I'm not saying it's going to be pretty though)
               etc, etc, etc.
There's more I'm just bored with the list.
Also this blog will be a place that I will be talking about my very talented friends & relatives. I know lots of talented people who do nothing with their talent!!!! Or genius in a few cases, and I plan on talking about them & showcasing their work, weather they like it or not!!!!!!!! (Ok, Ok, I will be getting permission 1st)

So that's a preview, I promise more interesting blogs, I'm at work so the brain doesnt' work so well here, I think they put something into the A/C to make you compliant.

If you've got Family Day off I hope you're spending it with your family, in whatever form your family comes in. If you're at work, enjoy the time & a half pay!!!!