WARNING: There are a bunch of spelling mistakes that I'm too tired to fix so deal with it! :P (& in my head I'm laughing when i say that, not trying to be bitchy)
Two years ago I wrote a blog post while I watched the opening ceremony for the Vancouver 2010 games, a lot of people seemed to like it, so I'm going to do it again. We'll see how this one goes. I'm a little skeptical of some of the rumours, you know the 50 foot he-who-shall-not-be-named. It's just about to start, on CTV they're doing a prologue, which does get you ready for the games. They're going through a bunch of athletes that are the most talked about. And of course they're talking about the Canadians, how we're so proud especially after Vancouver, we do want to show off to the world, prove we're not just about winter, as usual we're not expected to take home that many, but I'm patriotic, so I say we'll take them all. :)
So we're just about to start. Mom's on the couch, she may or may not fall asleep we'll see.
They really do have a field, huh, that actually worked. Now we're watching a video across the country, coolish, I guess. Now we're in London, still on film, wonder when we're getting to the stadium, cause if this is it China won on opening ceremonies. Finally in the stadium. Countdown with balloons. Tour de France winner, cool, not on a bike though, oh, ringing a giant bell though, once & then balloons are released. Maypolls, little kid singing, old timey cricket, bee-keeping, oh northern Ireland choir cool, right out in the somewhat middle of nowhere, I know that place I just can't remember what it's called. Scotland choir, giant Clydesdale! I love how the are representing each part of the UK, now for Wales, & horse drawn wagons. of course the choir from wales is sing in Welsh, so I have no idea what they're saying. now we've got some guy in a top hat with a book, where is he going? Back in the stadium little kid choir just finished up, everyone now looking at the top hat guy making a speech, I think it's a poem I'm sure someone knows what it is. update on mom on the couch, she's asleep. oh that speech was from Shakespeare. CTV is taking a break as they are people drumming & it looks like a storm. Oh wait they haven't left yet. I think we've hit the industrial revaluation. the Tree is coming out of the ground, with people coming out of it, which if you have a tree & it does that , worry. Now that the drumming is on it's way we've gone to commercial. sucky! there shouldn't be any commercials during opening ceremonies. 1st commercial was from P&G who sponsor mom's. now there's a relay of a screw driver? Rona, ah. Back to the ceremonies, missed a lot of people moving around, the drumming is kinda done, they're pulling up the field which is a great way to get rid of it. Smoke stakes are going up, the music's getting a bit heavier & faster. They just panned over some of the audience, however I think it was the part with a lot of dignaters because they were just sitting there, kinda said. Woman Lib group out on the field good. This part about the industrial revolution is called pandemonium, pretty organized for it though. There's a black guy in amongst the rich guys, I don't think there were too many of them at the time. Now the wars. There is a moment of silence sort of, all the actors are still while a slow song & whistle is played. now the chilling part, through the smoke they have lights & things simulated air-planes bombing. Now some kind of Beatles thing going on. There's a sort of multon metal going through the stadium for the rings apparently. The announcers were talking about it's the 1st time the opening ceremonies have coordinated the music sounds, movement & video together, apparently these guys have never seen ANY of the other Olympics. So far, personally I'm not overly impressed, I mean it's pretty good for the history of England, but I'm not like in a HOLY CRAP IT'S THE OLYMPICS!!!! mood yet. That;s one of the things I judge a good opening ceremony, if I get chills & if I'm ready to see the athletes kick butt! Right now the rings are flying through the stadium, getting ready to link up. It was probably a bad idea on CTV's part to keep re-playing Beijing, cause that was awesome. Vancouver gave me chills & made me want to dance. The rings are together, they're all still reddish yellow though. The crowd is cheering & so are the actors on the field. Now would be a good time for a break. Back to film, happy & glorious is what the next bit is called. We're at Buckingham palace with a tour group, someones on his way to see thing queen, excuse me BOND is on his way to see the queen. It's the ACTUAL Queen. Is this how's she's going to the Olympics!!! SO COOL!!! Yeah I'm impressed with pop culture. The Queen is getting cooler with age & the Churchill statue moved! The Olympic rings are on the London bridge. here's comes the helicopter!!!!! NOW THIS IS COOL! Wait.. is Bond going to jump? no the Queen is!!!!!! & him Bond too!! The Queen is too used to huge crowds cheering for her. the union flag is coming with the army, Navy, & air force reps. I love the flags coming up, it's always a super proud moment. I like the British, I"m Canadian, without them my country wouldn't be here, well I wouldn't have been made that's for sure(British, French, possibly Irish or Scottish background) Chaos choir singing & signing, they are deaf & hearing impaired kids, & they're in their PJ's Mom's up now, she just mentioned that she would sing God Save the Queen in school & Church, she was raised Anglican. Second start to the right & on till morning....Peter Pan!!!!!! National Health people here, GOSH? Apparently it's a children's hospital that's funded by the profits from Peter Pan. Dancing nursers & doctors,with kids jumping on light up beds & some really big ones, that are really trampolines. Just as a point for the American political situation, cause Romney went across the pond for no apparent reason, he's not the president, leave your damn election AWAY from the Olympics, anyways Crazy Americana's are trying to stop themselves from getting National Health Care & here are the Brits proudly showing off theirs & they should be proud. Public health Care is a necessity, not a privilege! I'll will gladly pay higher taxes for it. Wait JK Rowlingis reading from Peter Pan, & now their are carts with scary people dressed in black. One little girl is now stuck while Voldemort is growing, Cruella De Vil is popping out of a bed, plus the Queen of hearts somewhere. & now the nurses are zombie/robots. Oh wait here comes Marry Poppins to save the day, well 50 or so of them, that's a little scarier to me. The kids are super cute though. Whoever is playing the villains in the costumes are having a lot of fun! Now the kids are jumping on beds, & there's a rhyming tune, i can't make it out, like I know it from somewhere. Now all the kids are going to sleep, awwwwww. There is now a giant baby being put to bed, creeeepy! London symphony Orchestra, cool. Chariots of Fire's going to be playing awesome! now some chills are coming!!! It's MR BEAN!!! Rowan Atkinson on the keyboard!!! playing the keyboard for the Chariot's of fire, checking tweets, being bored, AWESOME! He just threw his dirty Kleenex in the grand piano! & now he's day dreaming of people running with him, but he's left behind, but has an idea! oh yes a Car!! AWESOME! No chills, too busy laughing. Before a musical sequence starts we gotta have an ad from Coke. Now we're in a part called Family.film & live action, kid sitting outside the fake house playing video games. now there's a crowd outside with iPhone, & now different TV shoes on some giant old TV's. The classic British shows, including black adder & coronation street, no doctor who :( unless I just missed it. Now there are a bunch of 'teenagers' running around the stadium with giant glow sticks over their heads, at least that's what it looks like. This is supposed to be about modern Britain & typical family's. Now we're in the 60's it seems like, at least in music. Lollipop is British? cool. Oh finally not just an appearance by the look-a-like Beatles, but an actual Beatles song. Ok the story line with the girl & the phone is stupid, especially when the guy who found it is calling her........missing plot point? Rocketteers! David Bowie, Queen, With Wayne's world!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah Canada's there!!!!! Whether you're looking for it or not!!!! I though I heard a TARDIS! I gotta find out if I'm the only one. Now we're in the Punk 80's That guy is still looking for that girl, don't care! I think we're in the 90's, yup I know theses songs & danced to them. Sweet Dreams LOVE IT!!!! Fire starter! I haven't heard this in a long long time! Yeah 90's, that's when I started paying attention to music. Now the guy & girl have met up, again WHO CARES!!!! Can we get back to the music? k, bunch of scenes of people kissing from movies, lady & the tramp & Shriek in there. Now we're up to live performance, a rapper, I don't know who it is. This part is supposed to be a house party so all the dancers are heading to the house & going through. Now Amy Whinehouse, a little bit anyways. the guy & girl are in the attic dancing. I love how the announcer are going on about the fact that everyone is a volunteer, wouldn't you do this all for free too?! I would, to be a part of history, a part of your counties history. So they lifted up the house & sitting at a computer is the DUDE WHO INVENTED THE INTERNET, the actual dude, he's British apparently. So we're back at commercial time, which is fine, cause I gotta pee. The parade of nations & the lighting of the torch still gotta happen my fav part of the parade of nations is of course making fun of all the fashion. Damn it we're back & I haven't peed!!!!!!!!!! So David Beckham is driving a speed boat with the torch heading to the cauldron. Now a moment of silence for people who couldn't be here. The photo's of people who couldn't be there were submitted my the spectators, that's really sweet. Now a giant yellow ball, sun moon? Ok, we got a kid running, dancers silhouetted who through up dust to make the area look fogy. Emeli Sandre, is singing, I dont' know who that is, but she has a good voice. Now there's a lone man in the middle of the dancers. The man is approaching the kid, who was standing to the side. Now mom's up, she's looking through flyer's, & of course doesnt' like the quite reflection part. I'm glad I didn't sit through the Parade part of Vancouver with her.
Now the athletes! Greece force of course, let's suits, smallest complement this year. Afghanistan next, cool only 13 time in the games, guys got a suit,women very formal. Albania, never won a medal, that sucks, they're wearing suits, Algeria, 12 games, green pants white windbreaker. America Samoa, cool, very tradition clothing, no medals for them either. Andorra, black shorts & jackets with red shirts, have competed since Montreal Angola, very traditional, plaid shirts with white sari's. Antigua, suits with yellow shirts. Argentina, dark blue pants, blue shirts with the yellow sun on their right side. Armenia, white pants, black jackets white scarves. Aruba, white pants, red jackets, straw hats. Australia, 1st of the big teams I'm told. white pants/skirts with green jackets. What's with the school uniform look. At least the inside of the Australians jackets have put the names of every gold medalist. Ok, I missed some athletes, cause mom's making dinner & there is nothing for me to eat, unless I want a whole chicken, really there are 2 whole chickens in the freezer. Ok now we're at Bengladesh & now Barbedos, kakie pants, yellow skirts black jackets. Belarus, they just mention a surprisingly big team, I wonder if they menat the flag bearer, they guy was like 7 feet! Belgine I think they just said, I'm not sure. Men have black jackets, women red. Balize, white pants, blue jackets straw hats. Benin, 5 athletes, go Benin!!!!! Bermuda, 8 althlets, red shorts, black jackets, they look happy. Bhutan, gross national happiness!!!!! Very traditons looks for the girls, tiger strips for the guys, sure. Bolivia, kakie pants & black jackets. Bosnia & Hexnagovnia(I know i got the second part wrong) Botswana, black suits for the guys, whites for the girls only 4 althlets. it looks like the flags are going on the hill Brazil, suits & green & yellow scarves, pants & skirts. British Virgin Islands, 1 athlte, brown suites. Bruni is sending their 1st female athlete. Bulgariea, with blue pin strips? Burkina Faso, not supposed to get a medal, very african tradtional look. Burundi(Canada in 3) Burundi in very very tradtional african looks, almost warrior looking. I missed a country. Cameroon, they have a nice tradtional African look & they're very happy. CANADA! You can tell we're in Britain cause you can hear us cheering. khaki pants, red jackets with a white strip across with Canada written across. We're super happy to be there. There are other countries coming in, it's CTV so we're no longer paying attention. China came in & a few others, yeah Canada's in so I kind of stop paying attention, plus I'm hungry. I'm going to have to go out to eat, but I had McD's today with the purpose of having a salad tonight, I forgot that there's nothing but lettuce to make salad with. Cuba just came in yellow jackets very bright & another 7 foot flag bearer. maybe we should do that next time, not look at record just you know go, you're the tallest athlete you get to carry the flag.
;) Czech republic with rubber boots? Also their flag barrier overcame cancer. As much as the Olympics want to be about equality, making one of the countries send a women or they'll be disqualified, the fashion doesnt' always reflect that, guys in one suit, girls in another, which would be fine except a lot of those outfits are skirts. Drinking tonnes of water to keep hunger panes down. We're on E Ecuador just walked in. The athletes are wearing yellow & the couches wearing suits, that makes more sense. Egypt just walked in. They're talking about Olympic rules in regards to Muslim religion, the Muslim women will keep covered, but when it comes to swimming they can't have their neck covered apparently so there's debates going on around that. Fiji just walked in & they now have the hottest flag bearer, dude is shirtless with a grass skirt & he's buff, really really buff. I missed France but I did notice some of the were waving union jacks, weird. Germany, know how I was talking about the somewhat sexiest clothes. blue for the guys pink for the girls. We've been going back & forth to commercials, always happens after Canada walks in, we haven't interviewed any of the Canadian athletes yet, which usually happens. So Hong Kong goes in themselves? I thought they were part of China now, I'm sure there's some kind of political thing that I don't know about nor would fully understand. Iceland just walked in, they've never won a gold. Independent Olympic Athletes, 4 athletes, I dint' know you could do that, does that mean they just don't want to represent their country & don't qualify for another country or are their country so small that they can't support Olympians? That's something to look into. Iraq has 8 athletes. Ireland huge cheers fro them. green jackets of course. Israel, the announcer is mad because apparently the IOC wont' take a moment of silence for the Israeli athletes who were killed in Munich, how do you not take a moment of silence? Canada took a moment of silence when a guy accidentally died the day before the ceremonies. Munich was huge! apparently its the 40th anniversary of the tragedy. Just wrong, it's not going to hurt anyone to stand for a minute in silence. Republic of Korea is in, which is what you say, not south Korea. Latvia just walked in, it reminds me of the name of Dr Dooms country which I can't remember right now. The Libyan flags look like an American flag. Libya apparently had someone kidnapped. Lithuania is in grey & white for them. I missed Finland, unless they don't have a team, which sucks :( I had a roommate from Finland that's why I wanted to see them. Malaysia also has red & white strips with a blue square, I'm betting America had something to do with their past. Mexico just walked in, they have the most colourful outfits of everyone their. I know I'm not reporting on all the fashion, it's a lot of suits. So because of the Hunger Games, according to the announcer, archer is popular. Now I liked the Hunger Games, I haven't read the books, but the movie was amazing & made me cry, a lot. But the Hunger Games wasn't the only movie that came out this year with an archer in it, the was Brave & the Avengers had Hawkeye. I do have a crush/obsession with Jeremy Renner right now & I'm a huge marvel fan, so Hawkeye is the best to me. They're all awesome, I did archer in high school & I loved it so I wanna take it up. Now we're on the N's. more suits. Nepal has some nice outfits, beautiful dresses for the women, suits for the guys. I do love Nepal's flag. New Zeland's in & the flag bearer is wearing a fug pelt? I'm not sure something that looks furry. So around the stadium they have drummers lining where the athletes walk, reminds me of China who had girls dancing & clapping, who kept it up for like what seemed like 3 hrs. Papa New Guinea have some nice red & yellow shirts So far nothing too outrageous in fashion, really just a hell of a lot of suits & some nice traditional stuff. I really expected someone to walk in with like something neon. I just noticed that Poland is also waving British flags, for the host nation I guess. but I dont' see a lot of it really. Apparently their were 3 countries that were told, send women or don't come, & they did. So Russia just walked in, so what like 30mins till they're all in? Oh yeah break time, next break will be when America comes in. So every time they pane over to the Royal box I check to see if they've fallen asleep, it looked like Prince Phillip might have, but appernlty he's reading, what the hell is he reading? Oh yeah there was finally a team with fashion I could talk about, I don't remember which country they were though, they were wearing, yellow, just yellow. Singapore came in & they're talking about Ping Pong, I still think that's funny! People make fun of curling, but that's a real sport!!! Ok yeah totally cultural I just realised, I'm Canadian & Ping Pong is big in China & Singapore & other Asian countries, I'll shut up about it. South Africa just walked in, they are wearing their flag, their flag bearer had to actually under go gender testing. We've actually come to that. Will & Kate were shown, surprised it took us that long to see them, maybe they just showed up. So appernlty the stadiums in Greece are in ruins, that seems appropriate to me. Funny? No? Oh well I though it was funny. Sweden the best looking team just walked in. This is going to be slightly controversial but I think Hitler was in the wrong country when he was looking for the Arean race. So the Syrian team just walked in & the flag bearer yawned. really it's so boring being in a world class event? So all the athletes are hanging out on the field. Apparently the athletes are allowed to mingle on the field, which is cool since usually they try to keep everyone in their own area. I love how whenever a country comes in, the camera pans over to the delegates box to see the presidents or ambassadors or whoever else is their representing their country, these guys & gals are all in suits & usually try to be very serious but when their country comes in you get excited! The America's just came in. So Michelle Obama is there, which is awesome, now the American outfits have controversy, they were made in China, which you know is not that surprising since that's where all of their clothes come from But the Americans are also wearing Berra's & you know how much the Americans love the French. We didn't go to commercials cause you know Labrone James is there. & now we're talking about how Mitt Romney is trying to act like a president, it's so stupid. So now one of the announcer is defending what he did & the other was saying it was stupid, so yeah you can tell their political alliances. Really why is that guy even there? oh his wife has a horse competing. Yemen walked in we're almost out of athletes! So who will light the torch? & now the British, this is the time when no one can hear anyone else! I love it :) So Britain is wearing white with golden accents, in their hoods. Sure why not.
The athletes are all in so lets rock out!!! Apparently. Arctic Monkey's, sure. I don't now them. So Britain has symbolic doves, dudes on bikes, or people. any way the Arctic Monkey's are signing come together, Paul McCarty is supposed to be performing so this feels weird to me. Now there's a flying bike/dove like ET! Nah. Now the boring speeches, the athletic oath, the official oath, all that stuff. Now it's time for the Queen to open the games!!!!!! Except we haven't done the oath's, are they doing that else where? Time for loads of fireworks, like the amount that makes you think that there was a real fire. So one side is holding the Olympic flag with their hands at their waist & the other up at their shoulders, oh it looks like someone just fixed it. Everyones' at shoulder height now. Muhammad Ali is there, he will be doing something with the flag too? No, just to be a representative for the ideal of an athlet. The Olympic anthem is playing & they're going to the top of the hill to put up the flag. It will be flown the highest I believe is the tradition. No sorry, the host nation & the Olympic flag are flown at the same height. As usual when the flags are n a stadium time for fans, they got the Union Jack going, dont' know what's happening with the Olympic flag. So the torch is still on the river with David Beckham. The torch is on it's way, a footballer is carrying it right now. Now for the oaths while we wait for the torch. I can't remember if doping was mentioned in previously. I forgot the Couch's have to take the oath as well. Poor couch got smacked in the face by the Olympic flag. The stadium is dark, torch time? or performance?
Now it's time for the flame. So haven't seen Paul McCartney & he's supposed to be preforming, so is it him? It would be awesome if it was David Tenant, all Whovians are hoping it is. So the footballer just passed off the flame to a group of young athletes to represent the future of the Olympics. It's a very simple torch, they have a gold theme. They name the kid & then who nominated them. I see about 5 or 6 people with torches. now they're lighting a bunch of them. HEY! we did that!!! Thief's! Now there are 6 torch's running through the stadium, kids still have them. right in the middle is the cauldron? or something like it, there's something spikey down there. All the things they carried in with each country is being lite, 're called they peddals. The kids lite them. It's like a lot of little flames are being lifted up as one big cauldron. That's so cool! it's so symbolic! More fireworks. I'm still on the cauldron, that's so cool, everyone is a part of the flame, amazing. Paul McCarty is singing Hey Jude. So now we're done? Yeah it looks like it.
K, so notes? Bejiin won. Can't help it there's was CRAZY! I like parts of these opening ceremonies, & there are a lot of stuff that brought every country together, but there were a lot of slow parts. Know what else the British stole from Canada? The non-athletes, the kids, we did that in Montreal. :P
Friday, July 27, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Dark Knight Rises Tragedy
I saw Dark Knight Rises today. I saw the 2:30pm show @ Fairview Mall. I could not help but look at the exits while their was any guns on the screen. It's paranoid I know & I'm not trying to take anything away from the tragedy in Col. I've lived in Toronto my whole life, shootings in the city happen, I'm not going to pretend they don't, but this past month, Eaton centre, little Italy, a Scarborough blog party & another Scarborough shooting today. This one, the one in Col. seems to have hit me harder than most news stories.
I don't understand, there is no way to understand.
I just really wish people would stop shooting each other.
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
What is This?
I saw this on the CNE grounds when I was down there for a show. Does anyone know what a fashion incubator is? Do you but a dress in it until it's ready?
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
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